
What To Do If Youre Ugly Without Makeup

Do y'all feel ugly without makeup?


I feel absolutely disgusting. I have pretty oily peel and acne. I hate my face without makeup. It makes me really sad because I don't want to wear foundation all the time.

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Do you lot feel ugly without makeup?

About Helpful Girls

  • AnneAlchemy

    I really do not care if i wear brand up or not. I also have oily pare and become breakouts from fourth dimension to fourth dimension. I also felt ugly if i didn't hide my acne earlier going out, only later on i just cease caring. It was tiresome and expensive to constantly put on make upwards every single twenty-four hour period. A big helper is to simply not give a fuck virtually other people. True friends don't care about your advent and those who insult your confront can fuck off. Its natural to deal with acne and oily skin and most people get that. So trust me when i say this. Do non experience ashamed over information technology. Yous can't alter your skin blazon; you tin can only control the breakouts and treat your acne. It's something you'll grow out as your body develops throughout your teenage years. And then don't worry about it. You already have a lot more to worry most as a teenager. No need to add more to the list.

  • Tiaroendu479

    Non wearing makeup every solar day may help with the oily peel problem, and the longer yous become without wearing makeup the easier it gets to accept your face without it. Equally of now, since you lot clothing it everyday, that's just what you perceive as what your face up should await like, so of grade yous won't exist happy when it doesn't look "normal". It might make an easy transition if you cut dorsum on different parts of makeup, like if you vesture foundation, eyeshadow, mascara, blush, etc., then maybe commencement with cutting out the foundation and blush while keeping mascara and eyeshadow, and gradually drop away from eyeshadow until you're just wearing mascara on a regular basis

  • lurikatia

    in that location's a cure for it, yes information technology is expensive, dermathologist
    The fact that puberty is a hard menstruation having acne must be worst.
    Dont worry its not permanent if u save enough money for the treatment, im sure u volition

    Dont worry, ur not less than others, or deserve less

    Life take its depression and loftier... ur in a depression... its gonna get loftier in the time to come

    Dont article of clothing makeup... it go worse.
    The worse thing that could happen is that some friends will call u ugly... emmm but... who need those kind of friends.. kick them out of ur live for being mean

Most Helpful Guys

  • BigChris

    i may be a guy, simply sick answer for my girlfriend. She used to feel really insecure simply ever since she started dating me and i constantly reaffirmed that she looks gorgeous regardless of what she puts on,, and now she is confident in herself and her advent.

    Like 6 People

  • Stephen02

    Guys don't accept fourth dimension to make up! So I have to be and then neutral...

    Like 2 People

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What Girls & Guys Said

39 6

  • LittleSally

  • LadyLegioness

    I am actually not the kind of woman to spend fourth dimension on make upwards. I don't bother much with my hair and I suppose in a way I am really lucky that I have accepted my appearance for what it is, and don't struggle to discover an image that others find appealing. However I merely want to see that I am SO happy that this is the majority vote. It is great that women are able to feel comfortable in their ain skin.

  • M-ikaela

    And so don't wear it.
    Unless information technology's really really severe, If y'all don't talk about it and brand information technology obvious that it makes y'all less confident then I'thousand certain noone will detect it or at least won't heed information technology.
    Don't be brainwashed by the photoshopped photos in magazines and cakey bakey faces on ig, pretty much noone has clean face and then use something that is expert for your peel but don't exist cocky-conscious to go out without makeup.
    In the stop the prettiest thing i can vesture is grin

  • Amanda__Murphy

    No I don't feel ugly without for me it's just that I rarely put on make it's commonly every few months or so, then for me it'due south simply something nice and dissimilar buts that's all

  • fauchelevent

    A fiddling. I have acne as well so that's not actually nice. Nevertheless, I feel worse with make up on generally, too heavy, I prefer existence ugly without brand up :P

  • margarita93

    I don't feel ugly although I similar enhancing my feautures with makeup and I feel prettier with brand up on

  • purplevicky118

    I don't own or article of clothing makeup. That being said, yes I do experience ugly without makeup because I always experience ugly 😊😊😊 (someone pls fix me on fire, thanks)

  • Shimy

    No, I like to habiliment makeup but I don't mind going out without makeup. I don't wear that much makeup tho, I don't even put on whatsoever foundation so my face up pretty much looks the same

  • random345678

    Tbh I don't wearable makeup and I know I'm ugly so I embrace my ugliness because why the fuck not? I don't care.

  • Anonymous

    Even if I had clear skin I wouldn't look skillful. I naturally look more similar my father - manly. I take such manly features many people call back I'm a tranny when I put makeup on. People think I'chiliad ill when I take no makeup. So I'1000 just ugly 24/seven

    Like 1 Person

  • kikippoki

    I actually dear how I look without makeup I feel it'south me and this is my natural beauty that I've to be proud of it

  • Repa33

    I do. I accept bags under my eye and pimples and a nighttime scar near my lip that looks similar i accept dirt or food near my rima oris.

    Like one Person

  • questionsWanswers

    I don't experience ugly without it, simply I feel sexier and more confident with it.

  • ghostqueen

    Sometimes, makeup has aught to do with it though.

  • Alex31

    Not really ugly simply I experience naked and like a kindergarten child without mascara.

  • Malita55

    I rarely ever wearable makeup. I feel prettier without it actually.

  • naughty_cat

    No I actually feels a little bit of confident when. I. Don't use makeup.,.,.

    Like 1 Person

  • JulieXO

    I feel much better with information technology on, but I don't find myself hideous when I exit all natural.

    Like 1 Person

  • SparklyLunette

    I cannot go out my house without eyeliner, it has get a shield and I feel downright ugly without it.

  • Anonymous

    i've been dealing with mild acne for the by 3 months at present and i feel so insecure almost it but i don't embrace myself up with makeup because it will enhance it more , i've been taking accutane and so im hoping it goes abroad ):

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