
How To Draw An Orca

Sweet. Here in this lesson, we get to draw a cartoon orca – or of course, as it's commonly known also as…

A killer whale!

Drawing sea creatures like this one – especially sharks, whales and dolphins, are easily one of my favorite things to draw. What's especially fun, is "anthropomorphizing" them (what a fun word!)… or in other words – making them look more human-like.

Here with this character, you might view the orca as sitting upright, or also – jumping straight out of the water.

Let's draw!

Drawing a Cartoon Orca

So then – let's begin our killer whale character, with a simple assortment of basic shapes – ones that for those who would normally have a more difficult time – keeping things lined up and proportional…

Can really help to cement ahead of time, the ~measurements that our character will soon take on.

Remember – this is not a necessity. Only do this if it helps! Think about structure in your mind. Use super-light pencil strokes.

Here's how mine looks…

Framework for drawing a cartoon orca


Next up – with some different colors – go ahead and add to this structure in green and grey, indicating the angle that the cartoon orca's head is tilted at, and also – places on the character where its distinguishing features will be drawn.

So yes: eye, fins, tail – like this…

Completed framework for drawing a cartoon orca

And next step – focusing in now, on the drawing itself…

Draw in the eye of your cartoon killer whale character (the window to the soul!) – and also, it's left flipper.

Nice and simple so far – just like so…

Drawing the eye and flipper of the cartoon orca

Defining lines in this part of the lesson – here, go ahead and bring forth the shape of the orca's head, and while you're at it…

Zip down to the bottom, and sketch in part of its tail – like this…

Designing the head of the cartoon orca

Keeping right at it – carefully placing the defining lines of our killer whale character – swoop here and there, next bringing forth its belly, back, straight and pointy dorsal fin, and yes – the other part of its tail, too…

Drawing the body of the cartoon orca

So, how's your killer whale looking now?

Remember!!! While you're working through this lesson – don't get discouraged if yours doesn't look like mine.

There's certainly some truth to the whole "10,000 hours" thing – and so yes, practice really is important. Take comfort in the thought, and truth – that if you love drawing as much as I do – then drawing things over and over, practicing and repeating – BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT!…

Won't be an issue at all. 🙂

OK – teeth, tongue and cool-looking white orca pattern ahead…

Drawing the teeth and tail of the cartoon orca

So now that we're just about done – next go ahead and bring out those final few areas.

White patch close to the eye – a must! Then, finish off the lower jaw, and mirror (sort of replicate/copy using the first one) the flipper – for one on the right.

Here's how it looks…

Drawing the flipper and lower mouth of the cartoon orca

Minus the framework lines – here's our black and white-lined cartoon orca…

Black and white drawing of a cartoon orca

And then – Woo hoo! – best part of all as always…

Drawing of a cartoon orca

Killer whale colors!

And there you have it – another fun animal drawing lesson complete, and under your belt.

But of course, practice practice practice practice practice practice… repeat!

See you soon for the next one. 🙂

How To Draw An Orca


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